Open call: Delta i nästa nummer av Astra, tema Ekologier

[English below]


Det är dags att skicka textförslag till Astra nummer 3/2022! Denna gång är temat Ekologier.

Ordet får oss att tänka på ekofeminism och nätverk, svampmycel, trädrötter, utrotningshot, mikroorganismer och internet. Det får oss att läsa Robin Wall Kimmerers bok Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants högt för varandra – citat som ”People often ask me what one thing I would recommend to restore relationship between land and people. My answer is almost always: ’Plant a garden’. It’s good for the health of the earth, and it’s good for the health of the people. A garden is a nursery for nurturing connection. The soil for cultivation of practical reverence. And its power goes far beyond the garden gate. Once you develop a relationship with a little patch of earth, it becomes a seed itself. Something essential happens in a vegetable garden. It’s a place where, if you can’t say ’I love you’ out loud, you can say it in seeds. And the land will reciprocate in beans” – och drömma.

Vi tar emot texter i alla tänkbara och otänkbara genrer. Kom ihåg att bifoga ett utkast eller en utförligt beskriven idé när du mejlar ditt förslag till oss.

~ Utkast och idéer skickas till [email protected] senast den 22 april.

~ Bidragen arvoderas med en symbolisk summa på 50-70€.

~ Om ditt bidrag tas med i tidningen är slutdeadline för färdig text 13 maj (därefter finns tid för arbete med texten ihop med redaktör).

Vi välkomnar bidrag som går i linje med en intersektionell, antirasistisk, klimataktivistisk och transinkluderande feminism. Redaktionen läser svenska och engelska, men publicerar även texter på andra språk, såväl som flerspråkiga bidrag.




It’s time to send submissions for Astra 3/2022, on Ecologies!

The theme makes us think of ecofeminism and communities, networks and the internet, myceliums and roots, extinction, microorganisms and eco spirituality. It makes us read Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants to each other – quotes like ”People often ask me what one thing I would recommend to restore relationship between land and people. My answer is almost always: ’Plant a garden’. It’s good for the health of the earth, and it’s good for the health of the people. A garden is a nursery for nurturing connection. The soil for cultivation of practical reverence. And its power goes far beyond the garden gate. Once you develop a relationship with a little patch of earth, it becomes a seed itself. Something essential happens in a vegetable garden. It’s a place where, if you can’t say ’I love you’ out loud, you can say it in seeds. And the land will reciprocate in beans” – and dream.

As always, we publish texts of all genres. Just remember to attach a draft or a detailed description of what it is you want to write about.

~ Ideas and drafts can be sent to [email protected], deadline is 22nd of April.
~ We pay all writers a symbolic sum of 50-70€
~ If your submission is accepted, the final readline for finished texts is 13th of May.

Astra’s feminism is intersectional, anti-racist, decolonial, climate-activist and trans inclusive.